Wednesday, August 20, 2008

None Like Me - Nooma Lessons on Motherhood

Last night at small group we watched Nooma 018. It was called Name. And the whole teaching was about how we compare ourselves to others. Wish we were a little more like that person, or wonder what it would take to do this as well as she does. The thrust of the video is that God has created each of us to be unique - to have our own individual path that's unlike anyone elses. It got me thinking about all of the labels that we voluntarily coop to explain our identities and make sense of our worlds. It also got me thinking about the Mommy Wars (I know, a departure it seems) and all the different kinds of mom distinctions women adopt. Stay-at-home Moms verses Working Moms, Slacker Moms verses Alpha Moms (I know I mentioned these in my last post). And especially as a new mom there's a sense that all of these types have already been established and we have only to choose which club to join, which name to assign ourselves. And as motherhood does, in a sense feel like a sorority you spend nine months pledging, there is a little bit of identity insecurity when it comes to figuring out who you'll be as a mother. 

But, that goes in the face of this belief I have in a God that is infinitely creative. Who has made each of us to be completely distinct, no matter how much we may have in common. Who weaves together our DNA and our experiences, our talents and our brokenness into something that is utterly and completely different than anyone else. And when I think about it like that, I realize that I will likely be a different mom than any other in the world. There won't be a mom exactly like me before or after. It kind of makes the mommy wars seem silly, doesn't it. 

Another thought for the day inspired by Nooma. The new one is about the feminine aspects of God (bless you Rob Bell). And I just wanted to share an excerpt:

"We didn't have anything to do with our birth. We are all here because some woman somewhere gave us life. Her pain, her effort, for our life. And when a mother gives like that to a child, she is showing us what God is like. But sometimes this part of God's nature is overlooked. A lot of us are comfortable with male imagery of God. But what about female imagery for God? Is God limited to a gender? Or doe God transcend and yet include what we know as male and female? Maybe if we were more aware of the feminine imagery of God we would have a better understanding of who God is and what God is like."  

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