Wednesday, August 20, 2008

The Guessing Game

So at 13 weeks, 20 weeks feels like an eternity away. Why does it take so long to find out if it's a boy or a girl? I've heard that there's a 3D Sonogram they can do at 15 weeks (i.e. two weeks from now for those of you not so great in the math department) that can tell you super early what you're having. Technically they do it for medical necessity (i.e. old moms), but I'm wondering if I could finagle my way into one... maybe fake some bizarro symptoms I read on WebMD to encourage them to do one? Ethical? No, but MAN am I impatient! 

There's no point in picking out nursery stuff or even a stroller until we know for sure. (Yes, yes, so many people wait and just go for green, yellow and orange, but that's just not me.) So a certain degree of the excitement about the baby feels like it's on the other side of October 1. So much of having a baby is about living in the present and the future. The now and the then. And the now is just a sneak preview (both of the joy and the pain). For the antsy in us, we're ready to be a little more then-minded... so we can picture ballet tutus or dinosaurs. Will the baby's style icon be Suri or Kingston? 

So, I did what any Gen Y mom would do. I consulted an oracle... better known as my Facebook community. Upon asking my friends what their best-guess, gut-reaction, wives-tale instincts were telling them. The results are attached... 

- 7 votes for "it's definitely a boy" and
- 7 votes for "I'm certain it's a girl"

And two parents to be who are as clueless about gender guesses as we are about the impending parenthood... Blast... 

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