Thursday, November 27, 2008

friends for baby A

Thing #793 I didn't know about being pregnant: I didn't know how excited I would get about other people having babies. Sure babies are always exciting - cute little balls of dough that looks like Winston Churchill and smell like divinity (most of the time). But it's a way bigger deal to find out that people are pregnant when you're pregnant. I'm not sure if it's because I'm excited about the shared experience (Your ankles are swollen? MINE TOO!!!) or the thought that we'll be going through most of the same things at the same time for the next two decades plus (Your daughter is kissing boys on the playground? MINE TOO!!!). Or maybe it's just the imaginary friendships I picture our little ones having - as surely they'll be as cool as their parents (who we love). Either way, it's exciting. And we've had a lot to be excited about lately. 

This is a tale about a baby boom. Sure they say these things come in cycles. It seemed like everyone got engaged in an 18 month period. Then clusters of people started getting married, buying houses, etc. So it's not rocket science that the little ones would start a'comin. But I didn't exactly expect this magnitude. It really all started when super cool Shane and Karen Matlock had an "oops" experience last February. In March, Adam and Christy had a surprise of their own - and in May, Doug and I completed the trifecta with our surprise blessing (we really should start calling ourselves the Fellowship of the Nuvaring... either that or initiate local classes instructing people on how exactly birth control works, since clearly it gets confusing around here...). Then Peter and Patty Wyngaard got pregnant three weeks after we did... then Jake and Kristin Seward and Katherine and Richard Wintsch. All of us due between November and June. Avalanche of babies. 

The cutie pictured above is the first to be delivered (Kayden Matlock and Avery's future BFF). Shane and Karen had her in Lille, where they moved this summer. Our plan is to pack up baby A and trek her over the Atlantic next summer so Kayden and Avery can romp around France in baby berets. I think it's a totally brilliant plan:-) 


Unknown said...

I agree! A brilliant plan. Thanks for the shout out and I can't wait for Baby's A and K to hang out in France.

I would like everyone to know, however, that Kayden is NOT a Giants fan!

Anonymous said...

i have a totally brilliant plan... i think you should publish these into a book and i should do the cover art :-) we could make millions haha love you!
<3 armpit

Karen said...

Wish we were there for the baby boom - that nursery will be packed! Kayden says she cant wait to play with Avery- she will make sure no boys are kissed on the playground!