Wednesday, November 26, 2008

The Namesake

The other day I ran into a woman I work with who is 8 months pregnant. She's having a boy (her 4th!) and we started talking about baby names - or specifically their inspiration. She said she had a baby name she loved, but that it was inspired by a soap star - and knowing that her husband wouldn't approve of a baby named for a day time television character (who would?), she found a literary character with the same name and said that was her inspiration. Sneaky, but brilliant...

It got me thinking about Baby Avery's name inspiration. There's no real magical story. I've liked the name for a long time. It's not super common (...nor does it sound like something we made up by throwing random syllables together... though we did play that game over the 4th of July. I would think of a syllable and Doug would think of a syllable and each of us would throw one out to see what baby names we came up with. Among the favorites were clee-boo and dron-us. That's how a lot of people name their kids these days, right?...) and frankly Avery was the only one we could agree on. I really loved Harper (To Kill a Mocking Bird), Bella (short for Isabella) and Darcy (for Jane Austen), but Doug wasn't a big fan of any of those. I heard the name Kennedy for a girl the other day and thought it was kind of awesome, but of course, we're settled now. And I'm rambling. Back to the point of my story...

When I told my mom we were thinking about naming our girl Avery, she said, "Oh I love that name! Except for that terrible woman in Jerry Maguire." She was, of course, referring to Kelly Preston's character in the '96 Cameron Crowe movie. For those of you who don't remember that iconic Avery, she was Jerry's fiance for the first few acts. Smart, talented, ambitious and beautiful, when he loses his clients she gives a pretty famous speech:

"There is a sensitivity thing that some people have... I don't have it. I don't cry at movies. I don't gush over babies. I don't start celebrating Christmas five months early and I don't tell a man who just screwed up both our lives 'oh, poor baby.' That's me, for better or for worse. But I do love you..."

In many people's minds (including my mother's) this lack of sensitivity was paramount to being a sociopath - certainly not characteristics one would want for one's child. But truth be told, that character is like my own version of Tara's secret soap star. I loved her. I loved her unabashed authenticity. I love that rather than being destroyed when a guy broke up with her, she hauled off and hit him (this is probably revealing a lot of latent feminism leaking through - or anger issues - I'm not exactly sure...). I loved that she was strong and independent - and as someone who DOES cry at movies, start celebrating Christmas early and has always wanted to punch an ex-boyfriend or two - I was envious of those things. And that admiration kind of stuck with me over the past 12 or so years (eesh I'm getting old). You'd better believe her talent and tenacity were on my mind when I threw out the name.

So, when my grandparents asked about our baby's name I gave them the official company line: Avery means 'wise counselor' - and I do hope she's wise. I also hope she's capable of a healthier relationship than Kelly Preston's character. But if a boy ever breaks her heart, I'm okay with her leaving him limping away in pain rather than the other way around... Just between you, me and the internet...

1 comment:

Juliana said...

Hey, Elizabeth. I found your blog from Facebook, and I just had to tell you that I also LOVE the name Darcy, but my husband nixed it, too. Pride and Prejudice is one of my favorite all time books, and I always said I'd name my daughter Darcy, but it didn't work out for me either. Kaelyn and Avery both have pretty names anyway!